Where past and present collide, the timeless Kutnu fabric used in our Sokak & Keskin Jackets is skilfully formed using a unique weaving technique discovered in the early 16th Century, regularly used by the Ottoman royal dynasty. It's a woven textile with a shiny surface, colourful vertical stripes and traditionally made with viscose warps (vertical) and cotton wefts (horizontal).
Süleymaniye Mosque, Istanbul, Türkiye - A famous symbol of Ottoman Architecture.
Made exclusively in Gazientep, Türkiye, Kutnu is known as one of the brightest fabrics of all time and is free from any synthetic material making it ultra breathable.
The fabric is woven by hand on looms by skilled artisans and is a hallmark for striking colour and design. There are different stages when creating Kutnu fabric which include winding and dyeing the silk threads, drying them in the sun and dividing the filaments (by hand) before threading each strand through the loom. This being the most prolonged stage as there are thousands of individual threads!
A precious tradition, each stage takes a master in their craft to execute with each weaver producing only 14 metres of Kutnu fabric a day.
The setup - threading each strand through the loom machine, Gazientep, Türkiye.
Modern enhancements however have meant that the width of the fabric can now be increased to make Kutnu more versatile than it has ever been - allowing the fabric to be used in more contemporary garments.
When creating our first collections we were blown away by the rich heritage and protected technique used to create Kutnu and knew we wanted this to be a signature collection for Firawn. Being educated on the rich story behind the fabric added to our fascination as the process is near identical to how it was formed over 5 centuries ago.
In action - a precious tradition, each stage takes a master in their craft to execute, Gazientep, Türkiye.
Viewing Kutnu for the first time, we were struck by the bold, vibrant colours as the fabric glistened off the light. At first look, the design of Kutnu is deceptively simple yet there is a sophistication to the fabric that lures you in and the closer you are to it, you are exposed to the intricacy of each pristine thread, immaculately woven.
We were determined to have the cut of our Sokak & Keskin Jackets as timeless as possible to compliment the Kutnu fabric which is the true hero of these pieces.
The fabric has survived all these centuries and we wanted to reflect the survival of this in Firawn's first collection of garments for your forever wardrobe.

Firawn - Sokak Bomber Jacket in Amber, London U.K.
Kutnu - a fabric that reflects elegance and aesthetics til this day.
Firawn's Kutnu Collection is now available in limited, timeless pieces.